Potenziometro assiale di precisione multigiro 1Kohm 1K 3590S-2-102L 3590SPotenziometro assiale di precisione multigiro 1Kohm 1K 3590S-2-102L 3590S
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Ceramic chip Condensatore Kits ,10 Pezzi of 23kinds : 6PF 10PF 15PF 20PF 22PF 30PF 33PF 75PF 68PF 82PF 101PF 151PF 201PF 221PFCeramic chip Condensatore Kits ,10 Pezzi of 23kinds : 6PF 10PF 15PF 20PF 22PF 30PF 33PF 75PF 68PF 82PF 101PF 151PF 201PF 221PF
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Electrolytic Condensatore Kits, 1uf-470uf 10 Pezzi of 12kinds : 50V1UF 50V2.2UF 50V3.3UF 50V4.7UF 25V10UF 25V22UF 25V33UFElectrolytic Condensatore Kits, 1uf-470uf 10 Pezzi of 12kinds : 50V1UF 50V2.2UF 50V3.3UF 50V4.7UF 25V10UF 25V22UF 25V33UF
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0805 SMT capacity Kits 4p-680p 10 Pezzi of 18kinds :4P 8P 10P 12P 15P 20P 27P 30P 33P 51P 56P 68P 100P 150P 200P 330P 470P 680P0805 SMT capacity Kits 4p-680p 10 Pezzi of 18kinds :4P 8P 10P 12P 15P 20P 27P 30P 33P 51P 56P 68P 100P 150P 200P 330P 470P 680P
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1/4 w colored ring Resistenze Kits, 2.7K-68K 10 Pezzi of 26kinds: 2.7K 3K 3.3K 3.6K 4.7K 5.1K 5.6K 6.2K 6.8K 10K 12K 15K 18K 201/4 w colored ring Resistenze Kits, 2.7K-68K 10 Pezzi of 26kinds: 2.7K 3K 3.3K 3.6K 4.7K 5.1K 5.6K 6.2K 6.8K 10K 12K 15K 18K 20
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1/4 w Resistenze kits 100 Pezzi of 100kinds: 5.1? 330? 2.7K 22K 200K 10? 360? 3K 24K 220K 20? 390? 3.3K 27K 240K 22? 430? 31/4 w Resistenze kits 100 Pezzi of 100kinds: 5.1? 330? 2.7K 22K 200K 10? 360? 3K 24K 220K 20? 390? 3.3K 27K 240K 22? 430? 3
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1% metal film resistor Kits 100R-2.4K,10 Pezzi of 27kinds: 100R,120R, 150R, 180?, 200?, 220?, 240?, 270?, 300?, 330?, 360?,1% metal film resistor Kits 100R-2.4K,10 Pezzi of 27kinds: 100R,120R, 150R, 180?, 200?, 220?, 240?, 270?, 300?, 330?, 360?,
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Diodo kits, 1N4148 50 Pezzi, 1N4007 20 Pezzi, 1N5819 10 Pezzi, 1N5399 10 Pezzi ,FR107 10 Pezzi,FR207 10 Pezzi, 1N5408 5 Pezzi ,1Diodo kits, 1N4148 50 Pezzi, 1N4007 20 Pezzi, 1N5819 10 Pezzi, 1N5399 10 Pezzi ,FR107 10 Pezzi,FR207 10 Pezzi, 1N5408 5 Pezzi ,1
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0805 Resistor Kits,0R-100R,10 Pezzi of 27kinds0805 Resistor Kits,0R-100R,10 Pezzi of 27kinds
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0805 resistor Kits,150R-3.6K,10 Pezzi of 28kinds: 150 180 200 220 240 270 300 330 360 390 430 470 510 620 680 750 820 910 1K 1.20805 resistor Kits,150R-3.6K,10 Pezzi of 28kinds: 150 180 200 220 240 270 300 330 360 390 430 470 510 620 680 750 820 910 1K 1.2
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0805 resistor Kits,62K-910K,10 Pezzi of 27Kinds: 62K 68K 75K 82K 91K 100K 110K 120K 150K 180K 200K 220K 240K 270K0805 resistor Kits,62K-910K,10 Pezzi of 27Kinds: 62K 68K 75K 82K 91K 100K 110K 120K 150K 180K 200K 220K 240K 270K
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10 Pezzi SMD SS34 1N582210 Pezzi SMD SS34 1N5822
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10 Pezzi SMD 1N4007 M710 Pezzi SMD 1N4007 M7
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50 Pezzi Resistenza 15 ohm 1/4w 1/4 w 5%50 Pezzi Resistenza 15 ohm 1/4w 1/4 w 5%
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50 Pezzi Resistenza 0.1 ohm 1/4w 1/4 w 5%50 Pezzi Resistenza 0.1 ohm 1/4w 1/4 w 5%
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openwrt ar9331 wifi Routeropenwrt ar9331 wifi Router
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NorFlash Board (B) S29GL128P 128M Bit NorFlash Modulo Memory Storage Modulo Scheda di Sviluppo KitNorFlash Board (B) S29GL128P 128M Bit NorFlash Modulo Memory Storage Modulo Scheda di Sviluppo Kit
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Mini Pc Android Tv Box Quadcore 1.86 Ghz Wifi 8 Gb NetflixMini Pc Android Tv Box Quadcore 1.86 Ghz Wifi 8 Gb Netflix
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10 Pezzi Monolitico Condensatore 473 0.047UF 50V pin pitch 5.08MM Promise capacitance10 Pezzi Monolitico Condensatore 473 0.047UF 50V pin pitch 5.08MM Promise capacitance
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10 Pezzi Monolitico Condensatore 104 0.1UF 50V 100NF 50V104 feet away from 5.08MM10 Pezzi Monolitico Condensatore 104 0.1UF 50V 100NF 50V104 feet away from 5.08MM
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10 Pezzi Zener Diodo 1 / 2W Regolatore tube 12V10 Pezzi Zener Diodo 1 / 2W Regolatore tube 12V
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NanoPi 2 Fire, Quad-Core A9 GigENanoPi 2 Fire, Quad-Core A9 GigE
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10 Pezzi Condensatore Monolitico 101PF 10110 Pezzi Condensatore Monolitico 101PF 101
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10 Pezzi K104K15X7RF53H5 Condensatore Ceramico Multistrato, Serie Mono-Kap, 0.1 µF, ± 10%, X7R, 50 V, Conduttori Radiali10 Pezzi K104K15X7RF53H5 Condensatore Ceramico Multistrato, Serie Mono-Kap, 0.1 µF, ± 10%, X7R, 50 V, Conduttori Radiali
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10 Pezzi MCGPR35V106M5X11 Condensatore Elettrolitico, Serie GPR, 10 µF, ± 20%, 35 V, 5 mm, Conduttori Radiali 10uf 25v10 Pezzi MCGPR35V106M5X11 Condensatore Elettrolitico, Serie GPR, 10 µF, ± 20%, 35 V, 5 mm, Conduttori Radiali 10uf 25v
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